CWP Alum Isaac Kardon On Naval War College Podcast, 'War Gaming For Sea Power'

January 01, 2023

Dr. Rachel E. Tecott

Bio: Rachel Tecott, PhD, is assistant professor in the Strategic and Operational Research Department at NWC. Her research focuses on U.S. military strategy and operations, alliance and partnership dynamics, and civil-military relations.

Dr. Jacquelyn Schneider

Bio: Jacquelyn Schneider, PhD, is Hoover Fellow at the Hoover Institution and an affiliate with Stanford's Center for International Security and Cooperation. Her research focuses on the intersection of technology, national security, and political psychology with a special interest in cybersecurity, autonomous technologies, wargames, and Northeast Asia. She is a non-resident fellow at the Naval War College's Cyber and Innovation Policy Institute and was previously a senior policy advisor to the Cyberspace Solarium Commission.

Episode 5: War Gaming for Sea Power - Isaac KardonThe U.S. Naval War College

Guest Dr. Jacquelyn Schneider, Dr. Rachel E. Tecott -


Isaac B. Kardon (孔适海) is assistant professor in the Center for Naval Warfare Studies at the Naval War College. He researches and writes on China's maritime disputes, China's global port development and overseas basing, and China-Pakistan relations. He teaches Chinese politics and foreign policy. Kardon's book, China's Law of the Sea: The New Rules of Maritime Order (Yale, 2023) tackles the question of whether and how China is "changing the rules" in the maritime domain. His work on ports appears in International Security, Security Studies, and the Naval War college Review. He studied Mandarin at Peking University, Tsinghua University, National Taiwan Normal University, and Hainan University.

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Isaac B Kardon USNWC Headshot