Zongyuan (Zoe) Liu (刘宗媛) completed her Ph.D at the Edwin Reischauer fellow at School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University. Her main line of research is in the intersection between International Political Economy and Comparative Politics with area expertise in East Asia. She specializes in the political economy of government-owned investment funds. In the context of China and the world, her research focuses on China’s state-owned investment funds with the intent to evaluate the domestic-international interactions that underpinned China’s practice of financial statecraft. Her current book project examines when, why, and how China leveraged its foreign exchange reserves to capitalize several sovereign wealth funds for the purpose of advancing a state-prioritized agenda in global financial markets. From a comparative perspective, she also examines why and how Japan leveraged its foreign exchange reserves and discreetly transformed Japan’s government-owned financial institutions. Beyond her research on government-owned investment funds, Zoe has done intensive research on Persian Gulf-East Asia relations with a special focus on energy, finance, and infrastructure.
Zhenqing Zhang is an assistant professor of political science in Hamline University's College of Liberal Arts. His research interests include international political economy, international institutions, Asian politics, democratization and human rights. He has extensive field work experience in China. Prior to joining Hamline University, he obtained a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, an MA in international studies and a BA in English (Diplomacy) from Beijing Foreign Affairs College, China. Professor Zhang also holds a graduate certificate from Johns Hopkins University-Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies.
Her research concerns political leadership, state capacity, and China-Africa infrastructure cooperation. Her thesis investigates why Chinese-financed and -constructed develop into starkly different trajectories in different African countries.
She holds a DPhil in Politics at Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR), University of Oxford. A Master of Science (MSc) in Politics Research from Oxford, a Master of Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard Kennedy School, and a Bachelor of Law in international relations from Shanghai International Studies University. Before Oxford, She served in the China office of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and at the Sino-Africa Centre of Excellence Foundation’s (SACE Foundation) Nairobi office for a total of three years.
Yu ZHENG (郑宇) is a Professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs (SIRPA), Fudan University. Prior to joining Fudan, he held the position of Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Connecticut. He received his PhD at the University of California, San Diego and a postdoctoral fellowship at Princeton-Harvard China and the World Program (2007-2008).
Yu ZHENG’s research interests include international development, international political economy, China and Africa, and business-government relations. He is the author of Governance and Foreign Investment in China, India, and Taiwan: Credibility, Flexibility, and International Business (University of Michigan Press). His publications have also appeared or forthcoming in journals such as Comparative Politics, International Studies Quarterly, Public Opinion Quarterly, Socio-Economic Review, and Studies in Comparative International Development.
Yinan He (何忆南) is an associate professor in the Department of International Relations at Lehigh University. She received her Ph.D. in political science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her research focuses on politics of memory and reconciliation, East Asian international security, Chinese and Japanese foreign policy, and national identity mobilization and nationalism in East Asia. She is the author of The Search for Reconciliation: Sino-Japanese and German-Polish Relations since World War II (Cambridge University Press, 2009). The book is the first systematic, scholarly study on post-conflict interstate reconciliation. In addition to her fellowship from Princeton-Harvard China and the World program, She has held An-Wang Postdoctoral Fellow in Chinese Studies at Harvard University, John M. Olin Fellowship in National Security at Harvard University, Jennings Randolph Peace Scholar Fellowship of the United States Institute of Peace, MacArthur Fellowship on Transnational Security Issues, and Japanese Government Mombusho Scholarship sponsored by the University of Tokyo, among others. In 2011-2013, she was selected as a Public Intellectuals Program (PIP) fellow of the National Committee on United States-China Relations. In AY 2012-2013 she was a Visiting Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson School of Princeton University. She holds a B.A. from Peking University and M.A. from Fudan University in international politics.
Yilang Feng (馮一郎) is a scholar of political economy and firm strategy, with a research focus on how firms’ overseas operations motivate their political actions in the US and China. His dissertation research is the winner of the Georgetown Best Paper in International Business and Policy award at the Academy of Management (AOM) 2019 Annual Meeting. His previous research papers have been published in Review of International Organizations and Political Science Research and Methods.
Yilang currently works as an Assistant Professor of Business Administration at University of Illinois, Gies College of Business. He completed my Ph.D. in political science and dual masters in statistics from the University of Michigan.
His book project entitled “Taking the Media High Ground: Overseas Operation and Policy Positioning on Chinese FTAs,” examines how firms participate in the making of China’s post-WTO trade policy and, in particular, how multinationals in China defend and advocate on behalf of the global trade regime.
My research interests lie at the intersection of international and comparative political economy, with an emphasis on China and the developing world. Two broad questions define my research agenda. First: how do the rules of globalization affect politics within authoritarian regimes such as China, given that these rules require increasingly far-reaching modifications to domestic institutions? Second, how do authoritarian regimes affect rule-making at the international level?
I am also a non-resident scholar at the UC San Diego 21st Century China Center and a Public Intellectual Fellow with the National Committee on US-China Relations. From 2017-20, I was a fellow of the World Economic Forum's Council on the Future of International Trade and Investment. From 2017-18, I was a post-doctoral fellow at the Princeton-Harvard China and the World Program at Princeton University
My work has been published in Comparative Political Studies, Governance, the China Journal and Global Policy. I am co-author of China Experiments: From Local Innovation to National Reform (Brookings Institution Press) and co-editor of Asia’s Role in Governing Global Health (Routledge). My latest book is Disaggregating China, Inc: State Strategies in the Liberal Economic Order (Cornell University Press Studies in Political Economy Series).
Dr. Yan Chang Bennett is a seasoned subject-matter expert in foreign policy and international law, contributing to the academic and practical applications of international affairs. Currently serving as the Deputy Chair of Global Issues (KCK, Inc) at the U.S. Department of State’s Foreign Service Institute, Dr. Bennett shapes the education of diplomats on key global and transnational issues critical to American foreign policy. With a rich background that includes experience as a tenured Foreign Service Officer serving in Singapore, China, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and bridge assignments at the Department, she has deep practical experience in political/economic issues as well as front office experience as Special Assistant to a U.S. Ambassador. Following her Foreign Service career, Dr. Bennett pivoted to research and scholarship on American foreign policy, contemporary Chinese politics, international law and multilateralism in the 21st Century. Concurrent to her work at FSI, she teaches at the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University and the School of International Service at American University on such courses as Law and Diplomacy and UN and the International System, the UN Reimagined, China’s Global Ambitions, and International Law. Dr. Bennett also teaches Chinese Politics, Chinese Policy, and the Belt and Road Initiative for a government client through a prime contractor. Previously, she has taught 21st Century U.S. Diplomacy and the History of American Diplomacy at Illinois State University. Dr. Bennett’s work is complemented by her prolific scholarship on U.S.-China relations and global security, making her an invaluable resource for students seeking to gain a deeper perspective on foreign policy, the international system, and U.S.-China relations. Her current book, American Policy Discourses on China, is out now.
Yali Chen passed the dissertation defense, with distinction, in July 2015. Her dissertation, The PLA in China’s Foreign and Security Policy-making: Drivers, Mechanism and Interactions, studies the influence the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) exerts in China’s foreign and security policy-making process. She graduated from Renmin University of China with a B.A. degree in international relations in 1994 and received a master’s degree from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University in 2002.
Chen was a pre-doctoral research fellow at Brookings Institution in 2013-14. From 2002-2012, she worked for the Washington-based Center for Defense Information, World Security Institute (WSI), and Global Zero as a Research Analyst and Editor. In addition to conducting research and writing on U.S.-China relations, she focused on policy research on China’s military modernization, as well as a wide range of policy issues from nuclear arms control, non-proliferation, the South China Sea disputes, to the U.S.-China mil-to-mil relationship. She co-founded WSI’s China office, and China Security, an English-language policy journal devoted to U.S.-China security policy issues and a unique forum for Chinese thinkers to share their opinions with the policy circles of the United States. Chen also founded and managed Washington Observer Weekly, a Chinese-language e-magazine on U.S.-China relations, which reached numerous Chinese government officials and military officers, as well as university educators and academic researchers. She worked as the China Liaison for Global Zero, an international nuclear disarmament group, in 2008-2012, for which she interacted with relevant agencies including Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the PLA, the 9th Academy and China's arms control community to promote understanding and conduct dialogues on nuclear arms control. She taught international security crisis management at various universities including National Defense University of Technology.
Chen worked for China Daily as a reporter and Op-ed writer in 1994-2000. During her career as a journalist at China Daily, she won national news awards including: the first prize of China’s International News Award, granted by the News Office of China’s State Council in 1997; the second prize of China’s Legislation News, granted by China’s National People’s Congress; and the third prize of China’s International News Award in 1995.
Her research interests include the PLA, China’s foreign and defense policy-making, maritime security policies, China’s science and technology policies, technology innovation and China’s regional development, and civil-military interactions.
Xu Xin (徐昕) is Acting Director of the China and Asia-Pacific Studies Program (CAPS) and Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Government at Cornell University. He received a BA and MA in International Relations from Peking University and a PhD in Government from Cornell University.
He returned to Cornell and joined the CAPS program as CAPS Associate Director in 2007. He was formerly Associate Professor of International Relations in the Department of International Politics at Peking University in China, and Associate Professor of Asia Pacific Studies at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in Japan. He was also a Visiting Research Fellow at the Japan Institute of International Affairs, an International Fellow at the Charles F. Kettering Foundation in the United States, a Postdoctoral Fellow on National Security in the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies at Harvard University, and a Visiting Research Fellow, Professional Specialist, and Acting Director of the Princeton-Harvard China and the World Program at Princeton University.
His research and teaching focus on Chinese foreign policy and East Asian international relations. His areas of interest include the identity politics of the Taiwan issue, China’s grand strategy, East Asian security politics, and Olympics and international relations. He has published articles and book chapters both in English and Chinese about various issues in these areas. He has co-edited History of the People’s Republic of China’s Foreign Relations, 1949-1989 (Peking University Press, 1994), and co-translated Hans J. Morgenthau’s Politics among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace, 7th edition (Peking University Press, 2006), and coauthored The Beijing Olympiad: The Political Economy of a Sporting Mega-Event (Routledge, 2007). He is currently working on a book manuscript entitled The Power of Identity: China and East Asian Security Politics in the Post-Cold War Era.
Xiaoyu Pu is an associate professor of political science at the University of Nevada, Reno. He is a Public Intellectuals Program fellow with the National Committee on United States-China Relations and a non-resident senior fellow with the Inter-American Dialogue in Washington, D.C. He received his Ph.D. from Ohio State University. In the 2012-13 academic year, Pu was a postdoctoral fellow in the Princeton-Harvard China and the World Program at Princeton University. In 2016, he was a Stanton Fellow at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) in Brazil. Pu is the author of Rebranding China: Contested Status Signaling in the Changing Global Order (The Studies in Asian Security Series, Stanford University Press, 2019). His research has appeared in International Security, International Affairs, The China Quarterly and The Chinese Journal of International Politics. He is an editor of The Chinese Journal of International Politics and an editorial board member of Foreign Affairs Review (Beijing).
Xiaonan Wang was a fellow at the China and the World Program for 2022-23. Most recently he was a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Government and Politics at the University of Maryland. Starting Fall 2022, he will also join CUNY-Baruch as an assistant professor of political science. He studies the domestic and international political economy of China.
In the domestic politics of China, his research focuses on bureaucracy and state-business relations. His dissertation studies the politics of appointing insiders and outsiders, using the case of appointing China’s provincial government agency heads in the reform era. In the international political economy of China, His research focuses on China’s global economic influence. His current work studies how Chinese investment projects affect African citizens’ perceptions of China and African leaders.
Xiaojun Li (李晓隽) is an assistant professor of political science and faculty associate of the Institute of Asian Research at the University of British Columbia. My previous and ongoing research can be broadly divided into three research programs that investigate (1) the impact of domestic politics on the process and content of foreign economic and security policies, (2) the impact of global supply chains on trade and investment, and (3) the political economy of trade liberalization in developing and post-communist countries. In all of these research programs, I use China as theprimary case of inquiry and employ a variety of methods, including interviews, archival research, historical institutional analysis, survey research, web-scraping, and large-N analysis.
His research has appeared or is forthcoming in Asian Survey, Chinese Journal of International Politics, Chinese Political Science Review, Foreign Policy Analysis, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Chinese Political Science, Journal of Contemporary China, Journal of Experimental Political Science, Research and Politics as well as edited volumes, and has received grants and awards from such organizations as the National Science Foundation, the American Political Science Association, the International Studies Association, the Association of Chinese Political Studies, the Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation, the China Times Cultural Foundation, and the Chinese Ministry of Education. A native of Shanghai, China, Li received his Bachelor's degree in English and international studies from China Foreign Affairs University in Beijing, Master's degrees in political science and statistics from the University of Georgia, and Doctor of Philosophy in political science from Stanford University. His first name is pronounced "shee·ow ji·win".
For the 2014-2015 academic year, he was a Princeton-Harvard China and the World Fellow at Harvard University's Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies.
William Norris received his Ph.D in Political Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As a Fellow, he worked on a book manuscript based on his dissertation entitled "Economic Statecraft: the Use of Commercial Actors in China's Grand Strategy." This work builds a middle-range theory of economic statecraft that provides both a micro-level theory explaining how states use firms to pursue their strategic goals as well as a macro-level theory explaining the conditions under which economic statecraft is likely to succeed.
His broad research interests include East Asian security, business-government relations, Chinese foreign and security policy, and international relations theory—particularly the strategic relationship between economics and national security. His recent work focuses on the use of commercial sector actors to achieve national foreign policy objectives in the context of Chinese grand strategy.
Dr. Norris received an A.B. from Princeton University, summa cum laude, in 1999, and has spent significant time abroad studying Chinese and economics. Dr. William Norris is currently an assistant professor at the George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University where he teaches graduate-level courses in Chinese domestic politics, East Asian security, and Chinese foreign policy.
Wendy Leutert (吕丽云) is the GLP-Ming Z. Mei Chair of Chinese Economics and Trade at Indiana University’s Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies and the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures. Her research and teaching interests include political economy, comparative politics, and international relations, with a regional focus on China and East Asia. She holds a Ph.D. in Government from Cornell University.
Her current projects focus on the reform and global expansion of China’s state-owned enterprises and the leaders of these firms. Other areas of my research include leadership in China's public sector, the politics of Chinese economic reform, corporate governance in state-owned enterprises, and Chinese companies’ overseas expansion.
Her research has been supported by the U.S. Department of Education through the Fulbright-Hays and Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship Programs, the Ford Foundation, the Smith Richardson Foundation, and the Chinese Scholarship Council, among others.
Previously she was an An Wang Postdoctoral Fellow at the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Columbia-Harvard China and the World Program at the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University (2018-2019), and Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for the Study of Contemporary China, University of Pennsylvania. She also worked for International Crisis Group in Beijing. She has an MA in International Relations from Tsinghua University and a BA in Political Science and Philosophy from Wellesley College.
Wendy also studies the political mobility of the heads of China’s largest and most strategically important state-owned enterprises, using an original dataset of these officials’ biographical information and company attributes that she developed beginning in 2013. Other areas of her research include the politics and process of China’s early reform and opening, corporate governance in state-owned enterprises, and bilateral investment treaties.
Weiwen Yin is currently an assistant professor at the Department of Asian and Policy Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Political Science, Texas A&M University and worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Columbia-Harvard China and the World Program in 2020.
His research and teaching interests include comparative and international political economy, international law and organizations, historical political economy, and quantitative methods, with a regional focus of East Asia. His publications appear in Journal of Conflict Resolution, Review of International Organizations, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, among others. In 2019, his research was funded by the Japanese Studies Fellowship, Japan Foundation.
Before entering Texas A&M University, he received his B.A. from the School of International Studies, Peking University, M.P.P. from The University of Tokyo, and M.A. in political science from Central European University. He was also working as a research assistant at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore in 2015-2016.
Tyler Jost is an Assistant Professor of Political Science and International and Public Affairs at Brown University. Tyler Jost’s research focuses on national security decision-making, bureaucratic politics, and Chinese foreign policy. His current book project examines domestic institutions designed to decide and coordinate national security policy, such as the U.S. National Security Council. He completed his doctoral degree in the Department of Government at Harvard University and held postdoctoral fellowships in the International Security Program at the Kennedy School of Government, as well as in the China and the World Program at Columbia University. He completed his undergraduate studies at West Point and served as a military officer with assignments to Afghanistan, U.S. Cyber Command, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
Todd H. Hall is an Associate Professor, University of Oxford, Department of Politics and International Relations. He received his PhD in Political Science from the University of Chicago in 2008. Todd was a CWP fellow in 2008-09 and 2009-10. Todd holds a B.A. in International Relations from American University,as well as visiting scholar appointments at the Free University of Berlin and Tsinghua University in Beijing.
Prior to joining the University of Oxford, Dr. Hall held the position of Assistant Professor in Political Science at the University of Toronto (2010-2013). Research interests extend to the areas of international relations theory; the intersection of emotion, affect, and foreign policy; and Chinese foreign policy. Recent publications include articles in Political Science Quarterly (2012) International Studies Quarterly (2012, co-authored with Keren Yarhi-Milo), Security Studies (2011), Waijiao Pinglun (2011), and The Chinese Journal of International Politics (2010).
Thomas J. Christensen is Professor of Public and International Affairs and Director of the China and the World Program at Columbia University. He arrived in 2018 from Princeton University where he was William P. Boswell Professor of World Politics of Peace and War, Director of the Princeton-Harvard China and the World Program, and faculty director of the Masters of Public Policy Program and the Truman Scholars Program. From 2006-2008 he served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs with responsibility for relations with China, Taiwan, and Mongolia. His research and teaching focus on China’s foreign relations, the international relations of East Asia, and international security. His most recent book is Lost in the Cold War: The Story of Jack Downey, America’s Longest-Held POW (Columbia Univ. Press, 2022). His earlier book, The China Challenge: Shaping the Choices of a Rising Power (W.W. Norton) was an editors’ choice at the New York Times Book Review, a “Book of the Week” on CNN”s Fareed Zakaria GPS, and the Arthur Ross Book Award Silver Medalist for 2016 at the Council on Foreign Relations. Professor Christensen has also taught at Cornell University and MIT. He received his B.A. with honors in History from Haverford College, M.A. in International Relations from the University of Pennsylvania, and Ph.D. in Political Science from Columbia University. He has served on the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, as co-editor of the International History and Politics series at Princeton University Press, and as a member of the Academic Advisory Committee for the Schwarzman Scholars Program. He is currently the Chair of the Editorial Board of the Nancy B. Tucker and Warren I. Cohen Book Series on the United States in Asia at Columbia University Press. Professor Christensen is a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a Non-Resident Senior Scholar at the Brookings Institution. He was presented with a Distinguished Public Service Award by the United States Department of State.
M. Taylor Fravel is the Arthur and Ruth Sloan Professor of Political Science and Director of the Security Studies Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Taylor studies international relations, with a focus on international security, China, and East Asia. His books include Strong Borders, Secure Nation: Cooperation and Conflict in China’s Territorial Disputes, (Princeton University Press, 2008) and Active Defense: China's Military Strategy Since 1949 (Princeton University Press, 2019). His other publications have appeared in International Security, Foreign Affairs, Security Studies, International Studies Review, The China Quarterly, The Washington Quarterly, Journal of Strategic Studies, Armed Forces & Society, Current History, Asian Survey, Asian Security, China Leadership Monitor, and Contemporary Southeast Asia.
Taylor is a graduate of Middlebury College and Stanford University, where he received his PhD. He also has graduate degrees from the London School of Economics and Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar. In 2016, he was named an Andrew Carnegie Fellow by the Carnegie Corporation. Taylor has been a member of the board of directors of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations and serves as the Principal Investigator for the Maritime Awareness Project.
Tabitha Grace Mallory (马碧珊) is CEO of the consulting firm China Ocean Institute and Affiliate Professor of the University of Washington Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies. Dr. Mallory specializes in Chinese foreign and environmental policy. She is currently conducting research on China and global ocean governance and has published work on China’s fisheries and oceans policy. Dr. Mallory has consulted for organizations such as the United Nations Foundation, the World Wildlife Fund, the World Bank, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
As a CWP fellow based at Princeton University, she worked on a book manuscript on China and global fisheries governance based on her dissertation entitled “China, Global Governance, and the Making of a Distant Water Fishing Nation.” She has also worked for The National Bureau of Asian Research and for the U.S. government.
Dr. Mallory holds a Ph.D. (with distinction) and an M.A. in international relations from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), a certificate from the Hopkins-Nanjing Center, and a B.A. in international studies and Mandarin Chinese from the University of Washington.
Dr. Mallory serves on the board of directors of the China Club of Seattle and is a member of Washington State China Relations Council.
Scott L. Kastner is a Professor in the Department of Government and Politics, University of Maryland, College Park. He graduated from Cornell University (1995), and received his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of California, San Diego (2003). Much of Kastner's research focuses on the international politics of East Asia, and he teaches classes on international relations, US-China relations, international political economy, and East Asia. He is author of War and Peace in the Taiwan Strait (Columbia University Press, forthcoming), China’s Strategic Multilateralism: Investing in Global Governance (with Margaret Pearson and Chad Rector, Cambridge University Press, 2019) and Political Conflict and Economic Interdependence across the Taiwan Strait and Beyond (Stanford University Press, 2009). His work has also appeared in journals such as International Security, Journal of Conflict Resolution, International Studies Quarterly, Comparative Political Studies, Security Studies, and Journal of Contemporary China.
Sabine Mokry is a CWP fellow for the 2023-2024 academic year. She received her PhD in Political Science from Leiden University and is an associate researcher at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg. In her dissertation, she investigated under what conditions Chinese societal actors, specifically think tankers and scholars, influence the construction of China’s national interest. Before pursuing her PhD, she worked at the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) as a research associate focusing on China’s foreign and security policy. Her work has appeared in the Journal of Contemporary China, Foreign Policy Analysis, The Pacific Review, and International Politics.
Dr. Ronan Tse-min Fu is an Assistant Research Fellow in the Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica (IPSAS). Prior to joining IPSAS, he was a Columbia-Harvard China and the World Program Postdoctoral Fellow at the School of International and Public Affairs, with additional postdoctoral affiliations at the Weatherhead East Asian Institute and the Department of Political Science, Columbia University.
Dr. Fu received a PhD from University of Southern California in Political Science and International Relations (2019). His research interests lie in the intersection of international relations theory and comparative politics, with a specific focus on grand strategy, East Asian security, Chinese politics and foreign policy, and historical roots of contemporary relations in East Asia.
Dr. Fu’s work has appeared in International Security, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Conflict Resolution, and Political Geography. My research has been funded by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China, Fulbright Taiwan, China Times Cultural Foundation, and the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, among others.Rachel Ann Hulvey is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Columbia-Harvard China and the World and the Harvard Belfer International Security programs. In 2024, she graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a doctoral degree in Political Science. In the fall of 2025, she will be an Assistant Professor at Indiana University at the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies. Her research focuses on China’s influence on international order with an empirical focus on cyberspace. She has held fellowships as a Schmidt Futures International Strategy Forum Fellow (2022-2023) and the Hans J. Morgenthau Program at the Notre Dame International Security Center (2024-2025). Most recently, she was a visiting fellow at the Tsinghua Center for International Security and Strategy in Beijing and at Fudan University in Shanghai, China.
Office hours are by appointment only. Please contact me at [email protected]
Phillip Stalley has been at DePaul University since 2007. He teaches courses on a variety of subjects including Chinese politics, environmental politics, and international relations. Prior to joining DePaul, Phillip was a visiting research fellow at Princeton University in the Princeton-Harvard China and the World program. Professor Stalley also served as a visiting scholar in the environmental economics department at Fudan University in Shanghai. He is a member of the Public Intellectuals Program of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations. Phillip's research focuses primarily on Chinese environmental politics. He is the author of Foreign Firms, Investment, and Environmental Regulation in the People's Republic of China (Stanford University Press, 2010) and his work can be found in academic journals such as The China Quarterly and Journal of Contemporary China. His current research project focuses on China's environmental diplomacy and its approach to international environmental institutions.
Patricia M. Kim is a David M. Rubenstein Fellow at Brookings and holds a joint appointment to the John L. Thornton China Center and the Center for East Asia Policy Studies. She is an expert on Chinese foreign policy, U.S.-China relations, and U.S. alliance management and regional security dynamics in East Asia.
Previously, Kim served as a China specialist at the U.S. Institute of Peace, where she focused on China's impact on conflict dynamics around the world and directed major projects on U.S.-China strategic stability and China's growing presence in the Red Sea region. She was also a Stanton Nuclear Security Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, International Security Program Research Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and postdoctoral fellow at the Princeton-Harvard China and the World Program at Princeton University.
Kim’s writing and research has been featured widely in outlets such as Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The New York Times, The Washington Post and The South China Morning Post. She frequently briefs U.S. government officials in her areas of expertise and has testified before the House Intelligence Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade.
Kim received her doctoral degree from the Department of Politics at Princeton University and her bachelor's degree with highest distinction in political science and Asian studies from the University of California, Berkeley. She is fluent in Mandarin Chinese and Korean, and proficient in Japanese. Kim is also a Global Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center and a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Min Ye (叶敏) is the author of Diasporas and Foreign Direct Investment in China and India (Cambridge University Press, 2014), and The Making of Northeast Asia (with Kent Calder, Stanford University Press, 2010). Her articles, “China’s Outbound Direct Investment: Regulation and Representation” and “Diffusion or Learning: Foreign Direct Investment Liberalization in China,” have appeared in journals, Modern China Studies (2013) and Journal of East Asian Studies (2009).
Ye was the director of East Asian Studies program from 2010-2014 and led the proposal for the Asian Studies major at Boston University. She currently serves as the academic coordinator of the Asian Studies major. She also served as a visiting scholar at Fudan University, Zhejiang University, and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in China, as well as Rajiv Gandhi Foundation in India, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the National University of Singapore. In addition, she was a consultant on globalization for Chinese state-owned companies and private companies.
Ye is a Public Intellectual Program fellow of the National Committee on the U.S-China Relations, 2014-2016. In 2013, she was the recipient of the East Asia Peace, Prosperity, and Governance fellowship. She was also the recipient of the 2006 Millennium Education scholarship in Japan and the multi-year Bradley scholarship at Princeton University. She received her PhD from Princeton University.
I am an assistant professor of political science and environmental studies at Fordham University. I am also a Wilson Center China Fellow and non-resident Fellow at the Global Development Policy Center, Boston University. Previously, I was Harvard Environmental Fellow and China and the World Program postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University. I received my PhD jointly from Princeton’s Department of Politics and School of Public and International Affairs.
My research bridges political economy and interdisciplinary approaches to public policy, analyzing the behavioral and institutional foundations of environmental and economic governance. This research has been published in journals including The Journal of Politics, World Development, Energy Policy, Studies in Comparative International Development, Economics and Politics, Energy Research & Social Science, and Energy for Sustainable Development.
Please feel free to contact me at: meiralkon[AT]gmail[DOT]com.
You can follow me on Twitter!
Maria Adele Carrai is an Assistant Professor of Global China Studies at NYU Shanghai. Her research explores the history of international law in East Asia and investigates how China’s rise as a global power is shaping norms and redefining the international distribution of power. In light of the development of the Belt and Road Initiative, she is looking in particular at the economic, legal, and political repercussions of Chinese investments and economic engagement in Europe and Africa. Prior to joining NYU Shanghai, she was a recipient of a three-year Marie-Curie fellowship at KU Leuven. She was also a Fellow at the Italian Academy of Columbia University, Princeton-Harvard China and the World Program, Max Weber Program of the European University Institute of Florence, and New York University Law School. More information can be found on her website www.mariadelecarrai.com.
Manjari Chatterjee Miller is a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, and a Research Associate at the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies, University of Oxford. She is currently on leave from the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University where she is a tenured Associate Professor of International Relations, and Director of the Rising Powers Initiative.
She works on foreign policy and security issues in international relations with a focus on South and East Asia. She specializes in the foreign policy of rising powers India and China. Her book, Wronged by Empire: Post-Imperial Ideology and Foreign Policy in India and China, argues that the bitter history of colonialism affects the foreign policy behavior of India and China even today. She is interested in ideational influences on foreign policy and conceptions of state security. She is currently working on rising powers and the domestic ideational frameworks that explain their changing status.
Miller’s research has appeared in Foreign Affairs, the New York Times, Asian Security, Foreign Policy, the Indian Express and the Christian Science Monitor. Her work has been supported by grants from the East-West Center, the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, the South Asia Initiative, the Fairbank Center, the Woodrow Wilson School and, the US Department of Education.
Her research has been supported by fellowships from the US Department of Education, the Fairbank Center and South Asia Initiative at Harvard University, and the United Nations Foundation. Prof. Miller holds a PhD from Harvard University, an MSc. from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, and a BA (Hons) from Lady Shri Ram College, University of Delhi.
Lucie Lu (陆璐) studies international relations with a regional focus on China. She received her Ph.D. in political science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2023. Her research delves into China’s global influences in three international regimes: media, human rights and foreign aid. Her ongoing research endeavors explore each of these topics individually as well as their intersections. Her dissertation studies how power shifts have happened in unexpected areas where China possesses an obvious disadvantage because of its authoritarian regime characteristic and how it manages to earn status in social media, human rights and foreign aid regimes. Her research has received support from the Cline Center for Advanced Social Research as a Schroeder Summer Graduate Fellow, the Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies at the University of Illinois, EITM Summer Institute (2022), and the APSA Political Communication Section.
Kai He (贺凯) is Professor of International Relations at Griffith Asia Institute and Centre for Governance and Public Policy, Griffith University, Australia. He is currently an Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellow (2017-2020). He was a postdoctoral fellow in the Princeton-Harvard China and the World Program (2009-2010). He is the author of Institutional Balancing in the Asia Pacific: Economic Interdependence and China's Rise (Routledge, 2009), Prospect Theory and Foreign Policy Analysis in the Asia Pacific: Rational Leaders and Risky Behavior (co-authored with Huiyun Feng, Routledge, 2013), and China’s Crisis Behavior: Political Survival and Foreign Policy (Cambridge, 2016). His peer-refereed articles have appeared in European Journal of International Relations, European Political Science Review, Political Science Quarterly, Review of International Studies, Security Studies, International Politics, Cooperation and Conflict, Contemporary Politics, Asian Survey, The Pacific Review, Journal of Contemporary China, The Chinese Journal of International Politics, Asian Security, Asian Perspective, Australian Journal of Political Science, Australian Journal of International Affairs, International Relations of the Asia Pacific, and Issues and Studies.
He has also contributed Op-Ed articles to major newspapers and magazines in the Asia-Pacific, such as The People’s Daily (人民日报China), Beijing Review (China), The Global Times (环球时报China), The China Review (Hong Kong), The Straits Times (Singapore), Today (Singapore), Lianhe Zaobao (联合早报Singapore), The Diplomat (www.thediplomat.com, Japan), East Asia Forum (http://www.eastasiaforum.org, Australia), and World Politics Review (www.worldpoliticsreview.com, the USA).
He received a Princeton-Harvard China and the World Program Postdoctoral Fellowship (2009-2010), a Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Research Fellowship (2009-2010), an EAI fellowship (2011-2012) from the East Asia Institute in Seoul, an Asia Studies Fellowship (2012) from the East-West Center in Washington D.C., and a visiting fellowship (2014) from the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. One current research project is funded by the MacArthur Foundation, USA.
Justin Key Canfil is a postdoctoral fellow with the Belfer Center at the Harvard Kennedy School. In Fall 2023, he will be an Assistant Professor of Emerging Technologies and International Relations at Carnegie Mellon University and a Postdoctoral Research Associate (with the Peking-Princeton Postdoctoral Program). Dr. Canfil's research uses experimental, computational, and mixed-methods techniques to better understand the international law and politics of emerging technologies. He is the recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship to conduct doctoral research in China and a PhD in political science from Columbia University.
Academic Publications
Justin K. Canfil. “The Illogic of Plausible Deniability: Why Proxy Conflict in Cyberspace May No Longer Pay,” Journal of Cybersecurity (JOC), Vol. 8 No. 1, 2022.
Justin K. Canfil and Elsa Kania. “Mapping State Participation in Military AI Governance Discussions,” Oxford Handbook of AI Governance, Justin Bullock, Yu-Che Chen, Valerie Hudson, Anton Korinek, Matthew Young, Baobao Zhang (eds.), Oxford University Press (2022).
Justin K. Canfil. “International Legal Statecraft,” A War of Our Time: The Threat and Dynamics of Non-Military Warfare, Angstrom, Jonsson, Christianson, Kaihko (eds.), Georgetown University Press (2022, forthcoming).
Justin K. Canfil. “Innovation & Organizational Politics in the United States Air Force, Contemporary Military Strategy,” Fowler & McCaskey, eds., Georgetown University Press, 2018.
Justin K. Canfil. “Honing Cyber Attribution: a Framework for Assessing Foreign State Complicity,” International Affairs (JIA), Vol. 70 No. 1 p. 217-226, January 2017.
Policy Publications
“Technology Governance” (contributing author), US-China Futures Briefing Book, Schmidt Futures, March 2021.
“Trump’s Nuclear Test Would Risk Everything to Gain Nothing,” War on the Rocks, Jul 8 2020.
“Tear Gas is a ‘Weapon of War.’ Why is it Being Used to Quell Protests?” Lawfare, Jun 19 2020.
“The U.S. Will Exit The ‘Open Skies’ Treaty and It’s Unclear Why.” Lawfare, June 3 2020.
“50 Years After Apollo 11, China Is on Deck to Land Next. That Doesn’t Have to Be a Bad Thing,” The Diplomat, July 19 2019.
“Lessons on History and Statecraft,” with Lauren Dickey et al. War on the Rocks, August 9 2016.Personal Website: www.jcanfil.com
Julian Gewirtz is currently working in the Biden Administraiton on China matters. He was a joint Weatherhead East Asian Institute / China and the World Program fellow for the 2020-2021 academic year. Before that he was an Academy Scholar at Harvard University's Weatherhead Center for International Affairs. He is the author of Unlikely Partners: Chinese Reformers, Western Economists, and the Making of Global China (Harvard University Press, 2017) and a new book on the tumult, legacies, and historical manipulation of China's 1980s (Harvard University Press, 2021). He received his doctorate in modern Chinese history in 2018 from Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar. He has been a Lecturer in History at Harvard, a Fellow in History and Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, and a Special Advisor at the U.S. Department of Energy. His research is published in the Journal of Asian Studies, Past & Present, and Foreign Affairs. He has also written on Asia for publications including The Guardian, Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, Politico, Caijing, Caixin, and Harper’s. (Twitter: @JulianGewirtz)
Joseph Torigian studies Chinese, Russian, and North Korean politics and foreign policy. Joseph has worked at the Council on Foreign Relations and studied China's policies towards Central Asia as a Fulbright Scholar at Fudan University in Shanghai. He has conducted dissertation research at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow and as a visiting scholar at the Institute for Security and Conflict Studies at George Washington University. Before coming to Princeton, Joseph was a Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford's Center for International Security and Cooperation. He received a BA in Political Science at the University of Michigan and a Ph.D in Political Science at MIT. Joseph speaks Chinese and Russian. His dissertation examined the internal power struggles fought by Nikita Khrushchev, Deng Xiaoping, and Kim Il Sung, with a focus on the military. At the China and the World Program, he will write on the co-evolution of nuclear doctrine in China and the Soviet Union and the 1969 Sino-Soviet border crisis.
John David Minnich is a CWP fellow for the 2023-2024 academic year. He is a PhD candidate in Political Science at MIT, where his dissertation examines how China's position in global production networks shapes its pursuit of foreign technology transfers in strategic industries. Starting in Fall 2024, John will be an Assistant Professor of International Political Economy at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Prior to MIT, John worked in political risk analysis and lived and studied in China for over two years.
Joel Wuthnow is a research fellow in the Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs at the U.S. National Defense University. His research focuses on Chinese military modernization, Chinese foreign and security policy, U.S.-China relations, and strategic developments in East Asia. Prior to joining NDU, he was a China analyst at the Center for Naval Analyses, where he worked on a range of studies for the U.S. Department of Defense. Earlier, he was a 2011-2012 fellow in the China and the World Program at Princeton University and a pre-doctoral fellow at the Brookings Institution. He received a Ph.D. in Political Science from Columbia University, an M.Phil. in Modern Chinese Studies from Oxford University, and an A.B., summa cum laude, in the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University. He is proficient in Mandarin.
Jing Tao (陶靖) specializes in international relations, international law, China’s foreign policy, and East Asian security. During the 2015-2016 Global Fellowship period at NYU, she will continue work on a book manuscript entitled “Sovereignty Costs and China’s Socialization into International Legal Regimes: Evidence from Hard Law”. This project develops from her dissertation, and uses different types of “hard laws” with legalized dispute settlement mechanisms to examine the depth of China’s socialization in international legal regimes and the changes and continuities of China’s approach to state sovereignty. Meanwhile, she starts to work on a new project, examining how international law influences China’s strategies of managing maritime disputes and the dynamics of interactions among Asian states regarding those disputes in East and South China Seas.
She holds double B.A. degrees in International Relations and Economics, an M.A. degree in International Relations from Peking University, and a Ph.D. degree in Political Science from Cornell University. She was a post-doctoral research associate in the Princeton-Harvard China and the World Program at Princeton University in 2014-2105.
Her recent works will be forthcoming in the Journal of Contemporary China (2015), and in an edited book volume, China's Socialist Rule of Law Reforms Under Xi Jinping, published by Routledge (2016).
Jessica C. Weiss is an associate professor of government at Cornell University. She studies the role of domestic politics in foreign policy and international relations, with a focus on popular sentiment and nationalist protest in China and the Asia-Pacific.
Her first book, Powerful Patriots: Nationalist Protest in China's Foreign Relations (Oxford University Press, August 2014), examines the role of nationalism in China’s foreign relations. Examining dozens of episodes of anti-foreign mobilization in China from 1985 to 2012, she concludes that the Chinese government has carefully chosen when to tolerate or repress grassroots nationalist mobilization to signal resolve or reassurance.
Her ongoing research investigates how domestic political dynamics may facilitate compromise or exacerbate conflict. Understanding how different regime types understand and interact with one another is critical to assessing the risk of conflict in a region characterized by a diversity of political institutions and deep ambivalence over China’s rise. She is currently working on a series of papers and a second book project to uncover how autocracy, democracy, and the interactions between regime types affect prospects for peace.Dr. Weiss received her Ph.D. in political science in 2008 from the University of California, San Diego and joined the faculty at Yale University for several years as assistant professor of political science. Her research explores the connection between domestic politics and the international relations of authoritarian states. Her dissertation, Powerful Patriots: Nationalism, Diplomacy, and the Strategic Logic of Anti-Foreign Protest in China, analyzes the pattern of nationalist protest in China in the post-Mao era. To explain why Chinese and other authoritarian leaders sometimes allow and sometimes suppress nationalist protests, she identifies the conditions under which nationalist protests can be effective diplomatic bargaining chips. She recently published a book based on her dissertation, Powerful Patriots: Nationalist Protest in China's Foreign Relations (Oxford University Press 2014).
Weiss has received fellowships from the Department of Education Fulbright-Hays program, the National Science Foundation IGERT program, and the University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Stanford University with a B.A. in political science, where she founded the Forum for American/Chinese Exchange at Stanford (FACES).
Ja Ian Chong (莊嘉穎) holds Bachelors and Masters degrees from the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, and received his Ph.D. in politics from Princeton University. His research focuses on security issues pertaining to China and the Asia-Pacific but crosses international relations, comparative politics, political sociology, and history. Ian previously worked with the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C., the Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies in Singapore, the East Asian Institute at the National University of Singapore, and served as an infantry officer in the Singapore Armed Forces. His English and Chinese publications have appeared in Security Studies, Twentieth Century China, Journal of East Asian Studies, Asian Affairs, China Review International, the Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies Working Paper Series, as well as edited volumes and newspapers.
Ian is Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science at the National University of Singapore. His book, Imposing States: External Intervention and State Formation in China, Indonesia, Thailand, 1893-1952, is published by Cambridge University Press and received the 2014 Best Book Award given by the International Securities Studies Section of the International Studies Association.
Ian is currently working on projects examining how collective responses to power transtion by non-leading powers may affect regional order, the uses and misuses of historical data in international relations research on China and its implications, how political liberalisation may affect alliance politics, and the effects of political decentralisation on Qing external relations during the Boxer Episode (1899-1901).
Isaac B. Kardon (孔适海) is Assistant Professor at the U.S Naval War College, where he is a core member of the China Maritime Studies Institute. His areas of study and specialization are Chinese politics and law, with research and writing focused on East Asian maritime disputes, PRC foreign policy, and the law of the sea. Prior to joining the faculty at the Naval War College, Isaac was a Visiting Scholar at NYU Law’s U.S.-Asia Law Institute (2015-2016) and Adjunct Research Fellow at the National Defense University (2011-2015). During dissertation fieldwork on a Fulbright-Hays award in China (2014-2015), he was a Visiting Scholar with the PRC National Institute for South China Sea Studies in Hainan, China, and a Visiting Fellow at Academia Sinica in Taipei. From 2009-2011, he was a Research Analyst at the National Defense University’s Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs. He has lectured at Peking University, Tsinghua University, and National Taiwan University.
Isaac received a Ph.D. in Government from Cornell University (2011-2016), where his dissertation “Rising Power, Creeping Jurisdiction: China’s Law of the Sea” analyzed China’s practice of the law of the sea, focusing on the PRC’s role in the development of the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) regime. He is revising this manuscript for publication as an academic volume during his fellowship at Princeton. He holds an M.Phil from Oxford University (St. Antony’s College) in Modern Chinese Studies, and a B.A. in History from Dartmouth College. He speaks, reads, and writes Italian, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese.
Injoo Sohn (孙仁柱) is Professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Seoul National University. He was a visiting professor at the University of Tokyo, an Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong, and a CEAP visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution. He has published articles in China Quarterly, European Journal of International Relations, Global Governance, Journal of Contemporary China, Pacific Review, Research & Politics, and Review of International Political Economy.
Hong Zhang is a 2021-2022 CWP Fellow at Columbia University. She is also a postdoctoral fellow at the SAIS China Africa Research Institute (SAIS-CARI) at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in the 2021-22 academic year. She received her PhD from Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University in 2021. Her research interests include China’s political economy, international development cooperation and foreign aid, and the global expansion of Chinese SOEs. Her doctoral dissertation explains how China’s developmental state extends its core mechanisms in its international development engagements. Her article on the relationship between China’s economic diplomacy and its international construction and engineering contracting industry has been published in the peer-reviewed journal of China Perspectives. Her research has been funded by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange and the SAIS-CARI. She is a member of the editorial teams of the People’s Map of Global China and the Made in China Journal.
Hong holds a MSc in sociology from London School of Economics and a Bachelor’s degree in economics from Renmin University of China. She had worked for five years as an overseas correspondent with China’s Caixin Media in London and Washington D.C.
For a list of her publications, please see her Google Scholar page.
She tweets @StellaHongZhang.
Eyck Freymann was a CWP fellow for 2022-23. Previously he was a doctoral candidate in China Studies at the University of Oxford, where he researches the geopolitics of climate change. He is Director of Indo-Pacific and global pandemic coverage at Greenmantle, a New York-based advisory firm, and a Non-Resident Research Fellow with the China Maritime Studies Institute at the U.S. Naval War College.
In the 2022–23 academic year he will be a joint Fellow at the Arctic Initiative at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs and the Columbia-Harvard China & the World Program.
Freymann’s first book, One Belt One Road: Chinese Power Meets the World (Harvard UP 2020), is assigned as required reading in Harvard’s “United States and China” introductory course for undergraduates. He also writes on a range of other current affairs topics, including U.S. politics and foreign policy and COVID-19. Freymann’s writing has appeared in Foreign Affairs, The Economist, and The Atlantic, among others, and he is a reporter and columnist for The Wire China.Freymann holds two masters degrees in China Studies: the first from Harvard University and the second from the University of Cambridge, where he was a Harvard-UK Henry Scholar. He earned his bachelors degree cum laude with highest honors in East Asian History from Harvard College.
Dr. Enze HAN is Associate Professor at the Department of Politics and Public Administration. His research interests include ethnic politics in China, China's relations with Southeast Asia, especially with Myanmar (Burma) and Thailand, and the politics of state formation in the borderland area between China, Myanmar and Thailand. Dr. Han received a Ph.D in Political Science from the George Washington University in the United States in 2010. Afterwards he was a postdoctoral research fellow in the China and the World Program at Princeton University. During 2015-2016, he was a Friends Founders' Circle Member of the School of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, USA. In 2017, he was a fellow at the East Asia Institute in Seoul, South Korea. His research has been supported by the Leverhulme Research Fellowship, and British Council/Newton Fund. Prior to Hong Kong, Dr. HAN was Senior Lecturer in the International Security of East Asia at SOAS, University of London, United Kingdom.
Dr. HAN welcomes students with research interests in Southeast Asian politics - particularly Thai and Myanmar politics - as well as on China's foreign relations with Southeast Asia, especially people with good quantitative training background, to apply for doctoral supervision at HKU.
Donglin Han (韩冬临) is currently an associate professor in the School of International Studies, Renmin University of China. He received his PhD in Social Science from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2009. His research focuses on Chinese public attitudes. He is the author of Image of the world: Chinese public attitudes towards International affairs (Social Sciences Academic Press, 2012, in Chinese). He has also published articles in the China quarterly, Journal of Contemporary China, Asian Survey, and the Chinese Journal of International politics.
Dingding Chen (陈定定) is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Government and Public Administration at the University of Macau where he teaches Chinese Politics and International Relations. His current research interests include China's foreign policy, East Asian security, human rights in international relations, International Relations theory, and legal reforms in China. His dissertation, “Transformation from within: Chinese Agency and International Human Rights Norms”, examines how and why changes in China’s human rights policy have taken place since 1978 by focusing on both international and domestic factors. In 2005-06, he was a visiting instructor in Government Department at Dartmouth College. Dingding Chen was affiliated with the Olin Institute for Strategic Studies at Harvard University during his tenure as a CWP Fellow. Dr. Chen holds a B.A. in International Economics, Renmin University of China, China and an M.A. and Ph.D. in political science from the University of Chicago.
Dawn Murphy (瑞黎明) specializes in Chinese foreign policy and international relations. Her current research analyzes China’s interests and behavior as a rising global power towards the existing international order and China’s relations with the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa. As a CWP fellow, she worked on a book manuscript based on her dissertation entitled "Rising Revisionist? China’s Relations with the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa in the post-Cold War Era." This project is based on extensive field work conducted as a Visiting Scholar with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, China; a Visiting Research Fellow with the American University in Cairo, Egypt; and a Visiting Researcher at Stellenbosch University’s Centre for Chinese Studies in South Africa. Her book (link: China's Rise in the Global South: The Middle East, Africa, and Beijing's Alternative World Order | Dawn C. Murphy (sup.org)) was published in 2022.
Dr. Murphy received her B.S. in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University and Master of International Affairs from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. She received her Ph.D. in Political Science at George Washington University.
She is an Associate Professor of National Security Strategy at the National War College at Ft McNair in DC
Daniel Suchenski is the Deputy Director for the China and the World Program. Before coming to Columbia, Mr. Suchenski spent years developing and implementing international programming for executive education at the Wharton business school and for the last two years has worked as the executive director on special projects & workforce development initiatives for the governor of Delaware for the Delaware STEM Network. He has a bachelors from The George Washington University in international affairs, an MBA in sustainable management & an MS from the University of Pennsylvania in non-profit/NGO leadership. Finally he is a doctoral candidate with interests in public-private partnerships and international political economics.
Dalton Lin is a political scientist specializing in theories of international politics and foreign policy. His research interests focus on theorizing the bargaining between major and lesser countries, with an area focus on China and East Asia. He holds research affiliations with the Carter Center and the China Research Center and has been the Executive Editor of the website Taiwan Security Research since 2008. Prior to joining the faculty at Georgia Tech, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Princeton-Harvard China and the World Program at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University. He received his Ph.D. in political science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Courtney J. Fung is Associate Professor in the Department of Security Studies & Criminology at Macquarie University. She is concurrently Associate in Research at the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University and also Associate Fellow in the Asia-Pacific Programme at Chatham House, and is on the editorial board of Contemporary Security Policy and Australian Journal of International Affairs. Her research examines how rising powers address the norms and provisions for global governance and international security, with an empirical focus on China.
Courtney was previously an associate professor with tenure in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Hong Kong; a research fellow with the East Asia Institute (Seoul) in their Program on Peace, Governance, and Development in East Asia, and a post-doctoral research fellow with the now Columbia-Harvard China and the World Program.
Courtney is author of China and Intervention at the UN Security Council: Reconciling Status (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019), which explains the effects of status on China's varied response to intervention and foreign-imposed regime change at the United Nations. Her book was shortlisted for the BISA LHM Ling Outstanding First Book Prize and received the 2019 - 2020 HKU Research Output Prize for the Faculty of Social Sciences. Her work appears or is forthcoming in Cooperation and Conflict, Global Governance, International Affairs, Journal of Global Security Studies, Journal of Contemporary China, PS: Political Science & Politics, The China Quarterly, Third World Quarterly, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, and International Peacekeeping.
Courtney holds a PhD in International Relations from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University.
Christina Lai (賴潤瑤) research focuses on the role of identity and foreign discourse in East Asian politics. She examines China’s foreign policy from 1990s to 2010, and investigates whether China’s peaceful rise discourse has successfully assured its neighboring countries. Her current project applies case studies to highlight the constitutive discourse in U.S.-China relations, and it accesses on the mechanisms through which constitutive power operated and the constraints it placed on Chinese and American foreign policies, particularly those on trade, environmental issues, Afghanistan, and U.N. Security Council votes. She is also fluent in Chinese and English. Christina Lai holds a M.A. in Political Science from New York University. She received a Ph.D. in International Relations from Georgetown University in 2015.
Chi-hung Wei (韋奇宏) holds a PhD in political science from the University of Florida. His research has focused on the use of norms and economic statecraft by both great powers and small states, with a special focus on the U.S.-China-Taiwan triangle. His dissertation, entitled “From Sanctions to Engagement: Norms and U.S. Economic Statecraft toward China after Tiananmen,” examined the evolution of liberal discourses in U.S. policy toward China. One shortened version of it has been published in Millennium: Journal of International Studies. During the CWP fellowship period, he will revise the dissertation for publication as a book. His work has also been published in International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, The China Quarterly, Asian Security, and International Political Science Review.
Chengzhi Yin was a CWP fellow for 2022-23. Previously he was a PhD candidate in the Political Science Department at Boston College. His research interests include international security, grand strategy, and Chinese foreign policy.
His dissertation title was: “Logic of Choice: China’s Alliance Balancing Strategies” Dissertation abstract: China uses alliance balancing strategies to divide adversarial alliances and bind its own. The dissertation explores the way China chooses its strategies, including coercion, accommodation, and a mixture of both. Using archives from China, the United States, and Russia, the dissertation conducts five case studies and identifies leverage and threat perception to determine China’s choice of these strategies.
Cheng-Chwee Kuik (郭清水) is Professor of International Relations at the Institute of Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS), National University of Malaysia (UKM). He is concurrently a Non-resident Fellow at Johns Hopkins’ Foreign Policy Institute. Previously, Cheng-Chwee was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Princeton-Harvard “China and the World” Program and a Visiting Research Fellow at Oxford University’s Department of Politics and International Relations. Professor Kuik’s research focuses on smaller state foreign policy, Asian security, and international relations. He served as Head of the Writing Team for the Government of Malaysia’s inaugural Defence White Paper (2020). Cheng-Chwee’s publications have appeared in peer-reviewed journals and edited books. Dr. Kuik’s essay, “The Essence of Hedging”, won the Michael Leifer Memorial Prize awarded by the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. He is co-editor (with Alice Ba and Sueo Sudo) of Institutionalizing East Asia (2016), co-author (with David M. Lampton and Selina Ho) of Rivers of Iron: Railroads and Chinese Power in Southeast Asia (2020), and author of the chapter on ASEAN and Southeast Asian states for David Shambaugh’s International Relations of Asia, 3rd edition (2022). His current projects include: hedging in international relations, elite legitimation and foreign policy choices, and the geopolitics of infrastructure connectivity cooperation. Cheng-Chwee serves on the editorial boards/committees of Contemporary Southeast Asia, Australian Journal of International Affairs, Asian Politics and Policy, International Journal of Asian Studies, and East Asian Policy. He is a member of the newly established Council on Indo-Pacific Relations (CIPR), EWC in Washington (EWCW). He holds an M.Litt. from the University of St. Andrews and a PhD from Johns Hopkins University. He can be contacted at [email protected].
Boliang Zhu is an Associate Professor of Political Science and Asian Studies at the Pennsylvania State University. His research addresses the politics of globalization and development. He specializes in three areas of international and comparative political economy: multinational production and governance, the political economy of foreign direct investment flows, and emerging-market multinational corporations. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in the American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, Comparative Politics, International Studies Quarterly, and Research & Politics.
Björn Jerdén is Director of the Swedish National China Centre. Björn has a PhD in Political Science from Stockholm University and a master’s degree in International Relations from Malmö University. He has been a guest researcher at National Chengchi University, National Taiwan University, National Chengkung University and Harvard University. From 2016 to 2020, Björn was the head of the Asia Programme at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs.
Areas of expertise: Security politics, great power politics, China, Japan, the United States
Ayumi Teraoka is a postdoctoral research scholar at the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University, where she studies alliance politics and security issues in the Indo-Pacific, including Japanese foreign and defense policy. Her book project examines the interactive effects of the United States’ alliance management efforts and China’s attempts to weaken U.S. alliances from historical and contemporary perspectives. Dr. Teraoka has received various fellowships and grants, including the Strategy and Policy Fellowship from the Smith Richardson Foundation, the America in the World Consortium Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Clements Center for National Security, and the A.B. Krongard Fellowship from Princeton University. She holds a Ph.D. and an MA in Security Studies from Princeton University, an MA in Asian Studies from Georgetown University, and a BA in Law from Keio University, and previously held positions at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Council on Foreign Relations. Dr. Teraoka has written for Pacific Affairs, The Japan Times, Foreign Policy, and the Georgetown Journal of Asian Affairs, among others.
Ayumi Teraoka will teach REGNU6870_001 Japanese Foreign Policy in Fall of 2024.
Office hours are from 10am -12:00pm on Mondays @ 602 Kent Hall, Mail Code 3907 (1140 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10027)
Austin Strange is Assistant Professor of International Relations in the Department of Politics and Public Administration. He researches and teaches Chinese foreign policy, international political economy, and international development. Austin's current research focuses on China's past and present roles in the world economy, with an emphasis on China's relations with developing countries.
During 2021-2022 Austin is a Wilson China Fellow at the Wilson Center, and was previously a fellow with the Columbia-Harvard China and the World Program. He received a Ph.D. in Government from Harvard University, M.A. from Zhejiang University, and B.A. from the College of William & Mary.
Audrye Wong is a Grand Strategy, Security, and Statecraft Postdoctoral Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School, with additional postdoctoral affiliations at the Brookings Institution’s Foreign Policy Program and at the An Wang China and the World Program at Harvard’s Fairbank Center. She completed her PhD in Security Studies at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, where she was a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow. Her research has also been supported by the Smith Richardson Foundation, the Tobin Project, and the Bradley Foundation.
Her research interests cover Asia-Pacific security issues and China's foreign policy, at the intersections of international security and international political economy. She is interested in when and how states can translate their material capabilities into geopolitical influence. Her current book project examines China’s strategies of economic statecraft and patterns of effectiveness across different target countries. Other work has looked at the role of subnational actors in China’s foreign policy and at asymmetrical alliance relationships, with a focus on East and Southeast Asia.
Previously, She was a Junior Fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. She earned my BA in Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, with a minor in Translation and Intercultural Communication. During her fellowship, Audrye is working on her book manuscript on the strategies and effectiveness of economic statecraft.
Andrew Kennedy teaches international politics at the Crawford School of Economics and Government at the Australian National University. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Government at Harvard University in 2007. He also holds a Master's degree in Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School at Tufts University and a B.S. in Psychology from Duke University. His research focuses on international politics in Asia, with particular interest in comparing the foreign policies of China and India. He is the author of The International Ambitions of Mao and Nehru: National Efficacy Beliefs and Foreign Policy (Cambridge, 2012) as well as articles in International Security,The China Quarterly, Asian Survey, and Survival. In addition to serving as a Fellow in the China and the World Program, he has been a predoctoral fellow at the Olin Institute for Strategic Studies at Harvard and a post-doctoral fellow at the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies. In 2013, He was a Visiting Scholar at the Center for the Advanced Study of India at the University of Pennsylvania.
Andrew Erickson is a professor of strategy in the U.S. Naval War College (NWC)’s China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI). He helped to establish CMSI in 2006, and has subsequently played an integral role in its development. Since 2008 Erickson has been an associate in research at Harvard’s Fairbank Center. He has taught courses at NWC and Yonsei University, and advises student research and provides curricular inputs at NWC and elsewhere. He helped to establish, and to escort the first iteration of, NWC’s first bilateral student exchange in China, which he continues to support. For over a decade, Erickson has managed NWC’s scholarly research relationship with Japanese counterparts.
Andrew Chubb is a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, undertaking a three-year investigation of the role of domestic public opinion in international crisis diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific. A graduate of the University of Western Australia, his work examines the linkages between Chinese domestic politics and international relations. More broadly, Andrew's interests include maritime and territorial disputes, strategic communication, political propaganda, and Chinese Communist Party history.
Anatol Klass is a CWP fellow for the 2024-2025 academic year. He is a historian with research interests focused on twentieth-century China. Anatol’s first book project, adapted from his dissertation, examines the bureaucratic development of the institutions through which the Chinese state engages with the world and the professional identities of experts working within those institutions. He received his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in 2024 and, prior to joining CWP, was a predoctoral fellow at Harvard University’s Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies and the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center. Anatol’s research has been published in the International History Review and Cold War History. His writing on China has also appeared in publications including the Washington Post, Foreign Policy, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and History Today.
Office hours are from 11-1 pm on Mondays or by appointment.
Alison Kaufman is an Asia analyst in CNA's China Strategic Issues Group of the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) in Alexandria, Virginia. At CNA she has worked on issues related to China’s and Taiwan’s military culture, Chinese foreign and security policy, and cross-Strait relations. Her personal research focuses on the historical origins of and current trends in Chinese strategic and foreign policy debates. During the fellowship year she worked on a project entitled “The Sources and Evolution of Chinese Foreign Policy Thinking, 1895-2010,” examining the development of key vocabularies and premises of Chinese elite debates about the nature of the international order and China's place in the world.
Before joining CNA, Dr. Kaufman worked for the World Bank’s China program and at China Radio International in Beijing. She also worked as a subject matter expert on Chinese affairs for a well-known consultancy. Dr. Kaufman holds a Ph.D. in political science with a focus on Chinese political philosophy from the University of California, Berkeley, and a B.A. in East Asian studies from Harvard University. She has also studied Mandarin Chinese in Beijing at Capital Normal University and in Taipei at the International Chinese Language Program. She is the author of “The ‘Century of Humiliation,’ Then and Now: Chinese Perceptions of the International Order” in Pacific Focus (April 2010).
Alastair Iain Johnstons research and teaching interests focus on ideational sources of foreign policy behavior, socialization in international institutions, and the analysis of identity in the social sciences, mostly with reference to China and East Asia. He is the author of Cultural Realism: Strategic Culture and Grand Strategy in Chinese History (Princeton 1995) and Social States: China in International Institutions, 1980-2000 (Princeton 2008). He is also co-editor (with Robert Ross) of Engaging China: The Management of an Emerging Power (Routledge 1999); New Directions in the Study of China's Foreign Policy (Stanford 2006)(with Robert Ross); Crafting Cooperation: Regional Institutions in Comparative Perspective (Cambridge 2007)(with Amitav Acharya); Chinese-English English-Chinese Glossary on Nuclear Security Terms (Mianyang: Atomic Energy Press, 2008)(with the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Security and Arms Control and the Chinese Scientists Group on Arms Control); and Measuring Identity: A Guide for Social Scientists (Cambridge 2009)(with Rawi Abdelal, Yoshiko Herrera, and Rose McDermott). Johnston co-directs the Princeton-Harvard China and the World program. In his non-academic life, Johnston is a member of the National Academy of Sciences' Committee on International Security and Arms Control, and works on issues in US-China crisis management.
Alanna Krolikowski focuses her research on China-U.S. relations in strategic high-technology sectors. Her doctoral dissertation examines trade and technical cooperation between the two countries in commercial aircraft-manufacturing and civil-commercial space. During her time in the program, she will develop this project to examine bilateral relations in other high-technology sectors.
Alanna holds a PhD in political science at the University of Toronto. She has conducted research in Beijing and at several other sites across China as a visiting scholar in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and in Washington, DC, as a visiting scholar in the Space Policy Institute of The George Washington University. Alanna graduated with a Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours from McGill University and has a Master's degree from the University of Toronto.Adam P. LIFF (黎雅澹) is Associate Professor of East Asian International Relations at Indiana University’s Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies, where he also serves as founding director of its “21st Century Japan Politics & Society Initiative” (21JPSI). His research focuses on international security and the Asia-Pacific—especially Japanese and Chinese security policy; U.S. Asia-Pacific strategy; the U.S.-Japan alliance; and the rise of China. In addition to various book chapters, reports, and public analysis, his academic scholarship has been published in leading international affairs and area studies journals, including Asia Policy, The China Quarterly, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, International Security, Japanese Journal of Political Science, Japanese Studies, Journal of Contemporary China, Journal of Strategic Studies, Security Studies, Texas National Security Review, and The Washington Quarterly. Beyond IU, Dr. Liff is a Non-resident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and Associate-in-Research at Harvard University’s Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies and Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies. Dr. Liff holds a Ph.D. and M.A. in Politics from Princeton University, and a B.A. from Stanford University.
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