
Past Event

Many Faces of Privacy: The Role of Perceived Privacy in Digital Autocracy

September 10, 2024
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
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Uris Hall at Columbia University, 3022 Broadway, Calder Lounge Room 107, New York, NY 10027

Speaker: Genia Kostka, Professor of Chinese Politics, Freie Universität Berlin

Moderator: Junyan Jiang, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Columbia University

Digital revolution is changing the nature of privacy and reshaping its meaning across political regimes. While privacy is typically regarded as a core value of modern liberal democracies and as such, an integral part of fundamental rights of democratic citizenry, its role in an autocratic political system undergirded by digital political control remains less clear. Professor Kostka will talk about her recent research, which employs a two-step design based on a survey experiment in China (N=4507) to study the various meanings of privacy as perceived by people living in a digital autocracy and the role of the different privacy attitudes they hold. Their experimental evidence suggests that people’s privacy attitudes are relatively stable and remain consistent. Furthermore, different privacy attitudes moderate the effect of digital control on people’s emotions and political attitudes in different ways. Most notably, while knowing about digital control decreases positive emotions, increases negative emotions, and worsens people’s political attitudes in general, there are surprisingly oppositive effects among people with trade-offism, fatalism and nothing-to-hide attitudes towards privacy, whereas the effect remain consistent among people who take measures to protect their privacy. Overall, these empirical findings contribute to nuanced understandings about the evolving nature of privacy embedded in a context characterized by digital political control and autocracy.

This event is hosted by the Weatherhead East Asian Institute and co-sponsored by China and the World Program.


  • To attend this event in-person, please register HERE.
  • To attend this event online, please register HERE.

Registration is required for non CUID holders to access the Morningside campus. Attendees must present a government-issued ID with their name matching exactly the name registered for the event, along with an one-time QR code (via email), for entry. For non CUID holders, please register by 4 pm on Sept. 9 for entry onto campus. For a list of entries onto campus, please click here.



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Contact Information

Julie Kwan