3 CWP alum selected for the Penn Project on the Future of U.S.-China Relations fellowship

May 03, 2024

More than forty years after the normalization of relations between the United States and China, the relationship faces new and fundamental challenges with global implications. There is no ready template for a relationship between two great powers that are deeply interdependent, yet increasingly see one another as rivals and possibly adversaries. The need for original thinking, and new voices, is urgent.

The Penn Project on the Future of U.S.-China Relations meets this critical need by incubating and then amplifying recommendations on U.S. policies toward China from “next generation” China scholars and analysts, who are selected as “Project Fellows” through a competitive process. To contribute academically-informed, policy-relevant analysis on the most pressing issues in U.S.-China relations, the Project focuses on six key issue areas: National Security; Trade & Competitiveness; Technology; Human Rights, Law, & Democracy; Climate & Environment; and Research, Education, & Academic Freedom.

The Project launched in January 2020 with its inaugural fellowship cohort, whose full policy papers are posted on the Project website. (These also were presented in summary form and on Project webinars). In June 2022, Project Fellows shared their findings and recommendations at a “China Bootcamp” for congressional staff, co-organized with the Center for Strategic and International Studies and held at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, DC. Most recently, the Project held a plenary conference of its inaugural fellows on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania in January 2023. A call for new fellowship applicants was issued in December 2023.

The Project is supported by generous grants from Penn’s China Research and Engagement Fund, the Henry Luce Foundation, and the Carnegie Corporation of New York. It benefits from ongoing advice and feedback from several eminent academics and practitioners convened as Senior Advisors. From January 2020 to October 2023, the Project was hosted by Penn’s Center for the Study of Contemporary China, and led by Jacques deLisle, Avery Goldstein, and Neysun Mahboubi. As of October 1, 2023 the Project is now hosted by Penn Global, and directed by Neysun Mahboubi.

Isaac B. Kardon

Isaac B. Kardon is a senior fellow for China Studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is concurrently an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and was formerly an assistant professor at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, RI. Isaac studies the People’s Republic of China’s foreign and security policy, specializing in maritime affairs. His book China’s Law of the Sea: The New Rules of Maritime Order (Yale, 2023) analyzes PRC influence on “the rules” of the law of the sea. Previously, he was a China and the World post-doctoral fellow at Princeton University, and has held visiting appointments at NYU School of Law, Academia Sinica, and the PRC National Institute for South China Sea Studies. 

Zongyuan Zoe Liu

Zongyuan Zoe Liu is the Maurice R. Greenberg Fellow for China Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. Her work focuses on international finance, sovereign wealth funds, industrial policies, and energy security. Zoe is the author of Can BRICS De-dollarize the Global Financial System? (Cambridge University Press, 2022) and Sovereign Funds: How the Communist Party of China Finances its Global Ambitions (Harvard University Press, 2023). She is a columnist at Foreign Policy and also teaches at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. Previously she was an assistant professor Texas A&M’s Bush School of Government and Public Service. She has held post-doctoral fellowships at the Columbia-Harvard China and the World Program and the Fletcher School’s Center for International Environment and Resource Policy.

Lucie Lu

Lucie Lu is a post-doctoral fellow currently at the Columbia-Harvard China and the World Program, and next year (2024-25) at Princeton University’s Center on Contemporary China. Her research interests include international organization, human rights, and Chinese foreign policy and global governance, with a special focus on how China influences international norms. Lucie’s work has been supported by the Cline Center for Advanced Social Research and the Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies at the University of Illinois, and by the Political Communication section of the American Political Science Association.

Photo Credit: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMaTv2laEAEaTyS?format=jpg&name=4096x4096

Isaac B Kardon USNWC Headshot
Zongyuan Zoe Liu
Lucie Lu